Electrical Safety Programs - Creating A Safe Workplace

Electrical Safety programs are designed to establish minimum electrical workplace standards that will prevent hazardous electrical exposure to electrical workers. Also, electrical safety programs are designed to ensure compliance with Federal, State, Provincial and local occupational health and electrical safety regulatory requirements applicable to all electrical systems.
The best electrical safety program allows workers to work on de-energized electrical equipment unless de-energizing introduces an increased electrical hazard or is impractical. Electrical Safety programs are designed to ensure energized electrical work is carried out safely by qualified electrical workers who are properly trained and provided with all appropriate safe work procedures and personal protective equipment (PPE). Electrical Safety programs are intended to protect electrical workers from electrical shock, arc flash burns and other electrical safety hazards.
Electrical Safety programs:
- Establish the safety of electrical workers who may work on or in proximity to electrical equipment
- Make sure that electrical workers understand and comply with all safety standards
- Ensure that electrical workers follow uniform work practices during the progress of their electrical work
Comply with all OSHA Standards according to the following six points:
- Provide and demonstrate they understand electrical safety programs with defined responsibilities
- Determine the degree of arc flash hazard by qualified electrical personnel
- Attach arc flash warning labels on potentially hazardous electrical equipment
- Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) for electrical workers
- Create documented training for electrical workers on Lockout Tagout procedures and the hazards of arc flash
- Arrange appropriate tools for safe electrical work.
Electrical safety programs state the requirements necessary to develop a solid electrical safety program within their organization. Companies must develop Electrical Safety Programs that incorporate Arc Flash Protection, the Control of Hazardous Energy and the full range of operational and administrative topics, including regulations, codes, and standards; hazard and task analysis; lockout tagout; personal protective equipment; electrical safety training; auditing; recordkeeping; budgeting; and implementation. To ensure electrical Safety programs are effective, the employee and the employer must have a thorough understanding of the electrical safety regulations and how they impact the day-to-day operations and maintenance activities of the workplace. Although provided by different authorities, each of these regulations has the same goal in mind: the protection of electrical workers and the workplace.
Components of Electrical Safety Programs
Benefits of an electrically safe workplace include fewer arc flash and shock injuries, lower worker compensation costs to the company, reduced equipment interruption, greater protection of equipment and asset investment, and increased productivity. This section will provide a detailed blueprint to help you create Electrical Safety Programs that maximize electrical safety and all the benefits they generate.
The Electrical Safety Culture Includes:
- Operational and administrative responsibilities
- Regulations, codes, and standards
- Hazard and task analysis
- Lockout tagout
- Personal protective equipment
- Electrical safety training
- Reporting and Auditing
- Recordkeeping
- Budgeting
- Implementation
For more Arc Flash information, see:
- Read More Here: Arc Flash and Electrical Safety
- Read More Here: Arc Flash Training
- Read More Here: Arc Flash Clothing
- Read More Here: Electrical Training
- Read More Here: Electricity
On-site training
Interested in cost effective, professional on-site electrical smart grid training?
We can present an On-site Training Course to your electrical engineering and maintenance staff, on your premises, tailored to your specific equipment and requirements. Click on the link below to request a FREE quotation.
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Arc Flash Group Training

We can present this Course to your electrical engineering and maintenance staff, on your premises, tailored to your specific equipment and requirements. We are ready to help design this program for you. Click on the link below to request a FREE quotation.